Glücklich Archive

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

31st October... Wet Halloween

Hello Everyone,

So recently we've had some pretty busy weeks. We had a Halloween party in school on 31st October. The children get to wear their costumes and parade around in them all throughout school. We had 3 spidermans, 2 batmans, 2 fairies, a catwoman, a buzz lightyear, a witch and many more costumes of all sorts. We even had a pumpkin boy in the house.

We had our own version of "trick or treat". The teachers hide around the school premises and the children had to find them to get their treats. It was fun seeing them running around looking for their teachers squished under the office tables or lurking behind the sofa... Hehe.

Their treats didn't end there. Mrs Anita Stanley and Mdm Anita Tan (our children's parents) had generously contributed candies and ice cream for all of us. So, on behalf of everybody at Glucklich Schoolhouse, THANK YOU!

After lunch, we brought ALL the children to the Yishun Swimming Complex for waterplay. It's part of the Children's Day celebration that we had planned for them specially for the month of October.

The moment we gave the "OK" signal to jump in, the effect was immediate; Up the stairs, down the slide, up the stairs again, down the yellow slide this time, up again, down headfirst, up one more time, down backwards...

and it goes on...

and on.

When we reached back at school, Auntie Ina was waiting for us with French Toast for tea. Yum yum. Nap time after that was very satisfying for the children. We let them sleep in a little longer than usual...

We were glad that the children were very happy that day. It was a tiring but very fun day for all of us in the Glucklich Schoolhouse family. We hope to do this again soon.

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