When the guests alighted from the buses, they were greeted with garlands and lightsticks. They then walked through the winding path to the Tribal Council where on the way there they met with their facilitators and helpers. They made a quick pitstop to the toilet and helped get the children in their costumes.
They walked somemore and were seated on the benches according to their team colour with their respective facilitators. Teacher Nor welcomed guests with an opening speech and declared the campfire OPEN!
The K2's had their certificate presentation ceremony right after the opening of the campfire. However, they did not want to go back to sit with their parents. They stayed and sat together until the end of the campfire instead :) Some of you might have never experienced campfires before while some might have more than enough. So what do we do during campfires? We SING! Our Glucklich children burst into songs led by our MCs for the day Teacher Hani and our very own K2 child; Shruthika.
There were dances too! Children danced to the "Hula Song" and "I like to Move it Move it". AND then... the parents got involved. They had a dressup competition; Hawaiian Style. They were given newspapers, coloured papers and a whole load of scotchtapes to make a Hawaiian inspired costume :) Of course they improvised with whatever they could find. These items include (1) lightsticks, (2) rafia strings and (3) more lightsticks (which was a good thing too because it was dark and the lightsticks sure did help). Our facilitators could not decide on any winner so in the end EVERYBODY won.
Parents and children forces combined!
Singing continued loud into the night. We even danced a friendship dance around the fire! Unfortunately though, some of our parents had to leave early due to unforeseen circumstances. :( Still, the remaining parents had their last song "Glucklich Spirit" before Teacher Nor declared the campfire closed.
Parents then had supper around the campfire accompanied with live music played by our talented facilitators. Parents had rice, honey chicken, samosa and mushroom veges. Slurp... Teachers then gave away Familie Feier 2010 souvenirs, that the children and teachers worked so hard to prepare, to guests of the Tribal Council. :) Parents then slowly walked back to the entrance to take the chartered bus back to Glucklich Schoolhouse.
We hope our parents enjoyed this year's Familie Feier as much as we did. We would like to thank all parents for attending and supporting our event. Many many thanks to the teachers and staff of Glucklich Schoolhouse for their help and effort put in. Special thanks to Teacher Hani for organising this fun-filled event, also to Pei Xian, Peini, Aidil, Akil, Salihin, Khidir, Farah and Sri, for their help and making this event wonderful! Thank you all. :)
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