Glücklich Archive

Monday, December 22, 2008

Nothing but the TOOTH! and VIVOCITY! and SENTOSA!

Hello Everybody,

Tuesday 25th November...

We started off the day early, at 8.50am. The children had a very relaxing stroll through the health exhibits. They also had fun as they took turns playing dentists at the dentist chair exhibit.

They laughed off aloud at the amusing puppet show (on good oral hygiene and healthy habits). Then, two dentists conducted an interesting talk with games to re-enforce their understanding on good oral hygiene and healthy habits as well the proper brushing method. The children also learned a new song when they walked out of the exhibition (talk).

We continued our day with another bus ride (school’s) to VivoCity. We had Chinese Prawn Noodles for lunch at the sky park, overlooking Sentosa. We believe you would understand when we could not possibly stop the children to enjoy, cool off the very hot day and played at the sky park’s water features. Then, we snacked on some crackers as they “dried themselves” a little… hahaha…

By this time, we had already past their usual daily nap time. Yet, they still have abundance of energy! We managed to squeeze some time to take a monorail ride into Sentosa and back!

We would not have left yet, if not for the school’s bus driver who found us strolling through the mall…hehehe… He took us back to school by 4.40pm.

Friday 12th December...

We treated ALL the children to waterplay at the Yishun Swimming Complex. There was no special occasion for this; we just thought the kids would love to take a swim. So when we got there, as usual, they splashed and went down the slide over and over again immediately after we said "GO". There was even an amused lifeguard who stood by to watch our active children with great interest.

Friday 19th December...

We visited the Montreal Green (neighbourhood park) that day to let off steam hehe. On the way there we spotted an eagle (or owl we weren't too sure) perching on the treetop. We also spotted 2 woodpeckers (believe it or not). They were busily pecking and hopping and pecking. They were quite cute to be honest; orangey and black (or was it the shadow? ... oh well).

So then at the park, we let the children play at the playground. Most of the children were daring enough to try the "big" playground. But no worries, the teachers were right there to assist them when they need us.

We promise photos in our next update. Til then,

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, greetings from Everybody at Glücklich Schoolhouse.

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