Glücklich Archive

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Salam Aidilfitri to Everyone!

Hello Netizens (it's citizens of the net)!

It's been a while since the last update. But we'd just like to wish all Selamat Hari Raya! Glucklich Schoolhouse had our own Hari Raya celebration last Friday 25 September. We had everyone wear their traditional costumes and of course we had lots of FOOD!

We thank all parents who gave us Kueh-s (pineapple tarts, cornflakes cookies, drools, brownies, fruit cakes, drools, makmur, drools and A LOT MORE!!!), Fruits and Food (those that don't fall under Kueh-s or Fruits like jelly, ice cream, juice, drools some more, and chicken!) for the children.

They enjoyed it immensely! Hehe. Here are some shots that we took. For the full album please click here... Enjoy!

Hmm mmm. What's Raya without Lontong right?


Pineapple fans!

Yummy yummy!

Even Lao Shi thinks so! hehe.

Aren't they just adorable? Pink kebaya and white baju kurung with samping.

Another pretty pink-white couple. =)

We had a wonderful time on the Hari Raya celebrations. Once again thank you parents for your contributions. Till next time!

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