Glücklich Archive

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Bollywood Veggies & Farm Fishies!

You might be aware (for those not... hmm) that we just had our trip to Bollywood Veggies and Fish Farm. Well, the photos are UP! Please check it out, the links are on your left.

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle! In line with June Holiday Program

So, first off we head to Bollywood Veggies to check out their farm. The mood was bright in the bus and everyone (the teachers too!) enjoyed the view on the way there, especially when crossing the bridge near Sungei Buloh and seeing Malaysia.

Everyone ready in caps and hats!

Once there, the VeggieLady took us around the farm for a tour. We learned (and once again the teachers too!) loads of things. For example, who knew that some bananas are poisonous? VeggieLady said you can tell the poisonous ones from the edible ones by the direction their flower points. I.e. if the banana flower points downwards, then it's safe to eat. If it points upwards, then beware, it might even be fatal if consumed! Also, we saw some plants and flowers that is commonly used for cooking and some uncommonly used for household purposes... (Did you know you can rid of cockroaches by slipping some pandan leaves in the area?)

VeggieLady talking about Blue Flower (left) Kavin eating the Blue Flower commonly used for colouring (right)

Children looking at edible bananas

Anyway, sorry for the slight digression, after the enlightening and educational tour, we head of back to the Bollywood Veggies Cafe for Lunch! Menu for the day was Vegetarian Porridge with Iced Milo and Jellies! Not forgetting crackers for snacks =)

We then we had some free time and we let the children roam around to satisfy their own curiosity.

Memories from Bollywood Veggies!

After Bollywood Veggies, we headed to the Fish Farm to see fishies! We got more than fishies I tell you. We got eels and frogs too!

The weather couldn't be better.

Frog Prince? (ps it's not plastic)

Curious Young Glucklichs

After it all, we head back home with huge smiles. Although everyone was tired, we managed to make the journey back home a memorable one, singing all the way back to Glucklich. We'd like to thank firstly Sam Le's Mommy for joining us for this trip. Also, Melson (Tr Venice's brother) for lending us a hand. Thank you!

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