Glücklich Archive

Monday, June 15, 2009

Thank You!


It's been a while since the last update. A lot has been going on... Well lets not drift too far back to the past... =) More recently, we just had our Glücklich Treffen aka Parent-Teacher-Meeting. Firstly we would like to THANK ALL PARENTS for taking time off to attend our Treffen.

We started the Treffen by giving out to Parents their child's portfolio and assessment. Then we proceeded on to do the presentation on Glücklich Curriculum and how we are in line with the new MOE's guidelines.

We then showed parents our newly redecorated classrooms, Zones (we now have Maths Zone, Science Zone and Language Zone), Corners (Dress Up Corner, Home Corner, Reading Corner etc.) and also the Studio (Music Studio). At the same time, they also picked up their child's many art pieces, workbooks, assessments and anything that has their child's name on it =).

After it all they were asked to fill up a survey we have prepared. Unfortunately, we encountered some technical difficulty with the survey, so they weren't able to complete it. We apologise for the inconvenience caused.

We have however, fixed the problem and it is now up again. Once more, we seek your cooperation to spare us about 5 minutes to finish the survey (click here to finish the survey).

For parents who did not attend the Treffen, you may still call us for a one-on-one appointment. We look forward to hearing from you.

On a final note, we are grateful for your support and attendance, making the Glücklich Treffen a success.

Terima kasih!
Xie Xie!
Danke schön!
Arigatou gozaimasu!
Merci boku!
Cám ơn!
Thank you!

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